Workflow in Follow-up Administration

  The administration emphasizes the importance of strict adherence to work and leaving on time in order to complete the work and invest every possible minute in serving the interest of the work; we assure everyone to be presented during the official working hours in all departments of the university in accordance with the regulations and systems of the civil service and establish the fingerprint system, as stated In Circular No. 51/40/45/d of the Rector of the University dated 3/28/1440 AH,  "we hope that you will adopt the fingerprint system for administrative staff, technicians, and users according to the following controls."

Attendance and leaving:

  • The official working hours start from 7:30.
  • The employee is considered late from eight and a minute later; therefore, the delay started at seven thirty based on the civil service system.
  • The end of official working hours will be at 2:30 in the afternoon; they could leave at 2:15 if it is necessary.
  • Activating permission forms in all cases of the leaves.
  • Submitting monthly electronic reports based on the fingerprint system by the Director of the Department after recording the hours of delay and interrogations for hours of delay, absence, early leave, leave without permission, and keeping the interrogations of delay or leave until the total number of hours reaches seven hours or more during the financial year, the employee will provide his excuses about that. Then, they either accept his reason, deduct the period from the balance of his regular leave, or do not take his excuse and deduct it from the salary according to article 21 of the civil service system.
  • If the fingerprint device breaks down for any reason, the Follow-up Department must be informed and provide the department with a report with a copy.
  • If there is an attendance fingerprint without a leave fingerprint, the employee is considered to have left before the end of working hours. The university has the right to consider this an absence for the entire day.


  • The direct manager or the employee in charge of attendance must be considered.
  • Permission should be in emergency cases from time to time and not continuously.
  • Fill in the permission and write down the time of leaving and return and the reason for the excuse.
  • That the permission must not affect the work, such as allowing the department staff to leave at once.
  • Taking permission at the beginning of working hours does not exempt the employee from attending. However, he must come to fill out the form and leave if it is accepted.

 Important matters to be taken into consideration

  • Hospital appointments and clinical visit forms do not consider an official excuse for absence; the employee must provide sick leave. Otherwise, it is deducted from the leave balance or the salary by Article (21) of the civil service system.
  • In the case of an escort, the employee should bring an instrument of family support other than the wife and children, and the leave will be deducted from the employee's regular leave balance if he has a balance, according to the text of Article Eleven, Paragraph (a) of the leave list.
  • According to the instructions of the university administration, any reports issued from outside the health centre are not accepted except in emergency and accident cases.
  • If the weekend between two absences without providing an excuse, the weekend will consider absence, too, according to article Five of the Financial Rights and Benefits Regulations.
  • Requests for regular leave must be approved enough time before the break.
  • If the employee is absent without providing a reason, he will be questioned to know the reason for the absence and decide whether his reason is accepted or rejected. In all cases, a monthly report will be sent to the Follow-up Department to take the necessary actions and then submit it to His Excellency, the Vice President, for taking the final decision.
  • If it turns out during the follow-up department rounds that there are absences, delays, and permissions without filling out the forms, and this has not been addressed by the person responsible for attendance, the follow-up department will inform the vice president of the university to refer it to his excellency the university president by referring the accountable employee to the Administrative and Technical Violations Committee to punish him for his failure.
  • Activating self-monitoring in which the employee will be responsible for himself to facilitate the follow-up department's role and represent the university in the best way.